Woodley, S., G. Forbes, and A. Skibicki (editors). 1998. State of the Greater Fundy Ecosystem. GFERG, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. 215 pp.

Forbes, G., H. Veen, V. Zelazny and S. Woodley. 1998. Ecological change in the Greater Fundy Ecosystem. Pp. 55-74 in State of the Greater Fundy Ecosystem. Woodley, S., G. Forbes, and A. Skibicki (eds). GFERG, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. 215 pp.

Forbes, G., D. Johnson, E. Daigle and P. Chamberland. 1998. Ecological magnets and black bears in the GFE. Pp. 135-137 in State of the Greater Fundy Ecosystem. Woodley, S., G. Forbes, and A. Skibicki (eds). GFERG, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. 215 pp.

Woodley, S. and G. Forbes (editors) 1997. Forest Management Guidelines to Protect Native Biodiversity in the Fundy Model Forest. New Brunswick Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of New Brunswick. 32 pp.

Sabine, D., W. Ballard, and G. Forbes. 1998. Assessment of White-tailed Deer Habitiats within the Fundy Model Forest in Relation to Winter Severity. NB Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, UNB, Fredericton, NB. 115 pp; Appendices, 409 pp. Submitted to Fundy Model Forest.

Morrison, S., G. Forbes and W. Ballard. 1997. Crop Depredation in New Brunswick: Literature Review and Survey of New Brunswick Crop Producers. 55 pp. Submitted to New Brunswick Dept. of Agriculture.

Forbes, G., and J. Theberge. 1996. Response by wolves to prey variation in central Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology 74:1511-1520.

Kehoe, P., G. Forbes,L. Swanson, P. Pearce, and S. Bowes. (in review). Water-level related changes in the status of a yellow rail (Coturnicops noveboracencis) colony in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist.

Forbes, G. and J. Theberge. 1996. Cross-boundary management of Algonquin Park wolves. Conservation Biology. 10:1091-1097.

Dempsey, J. R. Cumberland, and G. Forbes. (in review). Caloric-based food habits of marten in New Brunswick. Wildlife Ecology.

Freedman, B., V. Zelazny, D. Beaudette, T. Fleming, S. Flemming, G. Forbes, J. Gerrow, G. Johnson, and S. Woodley. 1996. Biodiversity implications of changes in the quantity of dead organic matter in forests. Environmental Reviews.

Whitlaw, H., W. Ballard, S. Young, R. Jenkins, and G. Forbes. (in review) Capture and marking techniques of adult and fawn white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management.

Whitlaw, H., W. Ballard, S. Young, R. Jenkins, and G. Forbes. (submitted) Survival and mortality of white-tailed deer fawns in northern and southern New Brunswick. Wildlife Ecology.

Woodley, S. J. and G. Forbes. 1995. Ecosystem management: principles, problems, and practicalities. pp 50-58 in Ecosystem Monitoring and Protected Areas. T. Herman, S. Bondrup-Neilsen, J. Willison, N. Munro (eds.) Science and Management of Protected Areas Assoc., Nova Scotia. 591 pp.

Forbes, G. and J. Theberge. 1995. Influence of a migratory deer herd on wolf movements and mortality in, and near Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario. Pp. 303-313 in Ecology and Conservation of Wolves in a Changing World. L. Carbyn, S. Fritts, D. Seip (eds.) Canadian Circumpolar Institute, University of Alberta. 642 pp.

Forbes, G., and J. Theberge. (in review). Taxonomic status of the Algonquin wolf (Canis lupus lycaon) in a wolf-coyote hybrid zone of central North America. Journal of Mammalogy.

Theberge, J., G. Forbes, I. Barker, and T. Bollinger. 1994. Rabies in wolves of the Great Lakes region. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 30(4):563-566.

Forbes, G. and J. Theberge. 1993. Multiple landscape scales and winter distribution of moose, Alces alces, in a forest ecotone. Canadian-Field Naturalist. 107(2):210-207.

Forbes, G. 1993. The preservation of genes, populations, and habitat specialists in natural heritage areas. in Size and Integrity Standards for Natural Heritage Areas in Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Toronto, Ontario. p. 34-46.

Forbes, G. 1993. Towards predator management in Canada. Book review on Wild Hunters - Predators in Peril. (1991). M. Hummel and S. Pettigrew. Alternatives. 19(4):41.

Forbes, G. 1993. Wildlife management in North America. Book review on The Practice and Philosophy of Wildlife Management. (1992, 2nd Ed.) F. Gilbert and D. Dodds. Environments. 12(1):47-49.

Forbes, G., K. Robertson, C. Ogilvie, and L. Seddon. 1992. Breeding densities, biogeography, and nest depredation of birds on Igloolik Island, N.W.T. Arctic. 45(3):295-303.

Forbes, G. and S. Woodley. (1997). Coarse and fine-filter strategies for biodiversity maintenance in the Fundy Model Forest. Pp. 29-33 in Proceedings Ecological Landscape Management - Canadian Woodlands Forum. Fredericton, NB. 95 pp.

Theberge, M., J. Theberge, G. Forbes, and S. Stewart. 1996. "Is the Algonquin canid a wolf or coyote?" pg. 208-211 in Proceedings: Defenders of Wildlife's Wolves of America Conference. Washington, D.C. N. Fascione and M. Cecil (eds.)

Theberge, J., M. Theberge, and G. Forbes. 1996. "What Algonquin Park wolf research has to instruct about recovery in the northeastern United States." pg. 34-40 in Proceedings: Defenders of Wildlife's Wolves of America Conference. Washington, D.C. N. Fascione and M. Cecil (eds.)

Forbes, G. and I. Methven. Strategic Approaches to Forest Biodiversity Conservation in Atlantic Canada. Panel Discussion on Northern Forests: Diverse Perspectives on Bioregional Management. Society of Conservation Biology Annual Meeting. Providence, Rhode Island, August 1996.

S. Woodley, G. Forbes, B. Freedman. Forest Management Guidelines for the Maintenance of Biodiversity. Third International Conference of Science and the Management of Protected Areas.Calgary 1997.

G. Forbes and E. Daigle. Bears as an Example of Cross-boundary Management Issues for Fundy National Park. Greater Fundy Ecosystem/Fundy Model Forest Meeting. Sussex, N.B. May 1996.

Theberge, J., G. Forbes, M. Theberge, J. Cook. "Does a 7500km2 Park Protect a Wolf Population? : Algonquin Research 1987-Present." Wolves and Humans 2000: A Global Perspective for Managing Conflict. Duluth, Minnesota. March 1995.