Recent Publications:
Curry, R.A., C. Brady, D.L.G. Noakes, and R.G. Danzmann. 1997.
The use of small streams by young brook charr (Salvelinus
fontinalis) spawned in lakes. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 126:77-83
Curry, R.A. and K. Devito. 1996. Hydrogeology of brook trout (Salvelinus
fontinalis) spawning and incubation habitats: implications
for forestry and land use development. Can. J. For. Res. 26:767-772
Curry, R.A. 1995. The importance of habitat to the fish ecologist.
A solicited critique of Stream hydrology: an introduction for
ecologists. Environ. Biol. Fishes 42:213-214.
Curry, R.A., D.L.G. Noakes, and G.E. Morgan. 1995. Groundwater
and incubation habitats, embryo survival, and alevin emergence of
brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis). Can. J. Fish. Aquat.
Sci. 52:1733-1740
Curry, R.A. and D.L.G. Noakes. 1995. Groundwater and spawning
site selection by brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis). Can.
J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52:1741-1749
Noakes, D.L.G. and R.A. Curry. 1995. Lessons to be learned from
attempts to restore Salvelinus species other than S.
namaycush: A review of reproductive behaviour. J. Great Lakes
Res. 21 (Suppl. 1):54-64
Curry, R.A., J. Gehrels, D.L.G. Noakes, and R. Swainson. 1994.
Effects of streamflow regulation on brook trout, Salvelinus
fontinalis, spawning and incubation habitats. Hydrobiologia
Curry, R.A., S. Allen, M.G. Fox, and G.E. Morgan. 1993. Growth
and food of young-of-the-year brook charr, Salvelinus
fontinalis, in lake and creek environments. Environ. Biol.
Fishes 37:131-138.
Recent NBCFWRU Reports:
Hawkins, R. and R.A. Curry. 1998. Assessment of the Fish
Community in the Grand Lake Meadows and the Potential Impacts of
the Fredericton to Moncton Highway Project - Spring Habitats
and Final Recommendations, Report #3. New Brunswick
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Fisheries Report #98-3.
Hawkins, R. and R.A. Curry. 1998. Assessment of the Fish
Community in the Grand Lake Meadows and the Potential Impacts of
the Fredericton to Moncton Highway Project - Winter Habitats
and Survival, Report #2. New Brunswick Cooperative Fish and
Wildlife Research Unit, Fisheries Report #98-2.
Barry, E. and R.A. Curry. 1998. Mercury Pathways and Trophic
Interactions in New Brunswick Lakes - Final Report 1997. New
Brunswick Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Fisheries
Report #98-1.
Hawkins, R. and R.A. Curry. 1997. Assessment of the Fish
Community in the Grand Lake Meadows and the Potential Impacts of
the Fredericton to Moncton Highway Project - Summer and Fall
Habitats. New Brunswick Cooperative Fish and Wildlife
Research Unit, Fisheries Report #97-2.
Curry, R.A. and D. Sparks. 1997. The Kennebecasis River sea run
brook trout study. Final Report and Integration into Phase II of
the Fundy Model Forest. New Brunswick Cooperative Fish and
Wildlife Research Unit, Fisheries Report #97-1.
Hoggarth, C.T. and R.A. Curry. 1996. The Nepisiguit River Brook
Trout Study. New Brunswick Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research
Unit, Fisheries Report #96-1.
Recent Conference Presentations:
Barry, E. and R.A. Curry. Mercury pathways and trophic
interactions in New Brunswick Lakes. Paper - Canadian Conference
for Fisheries Research, Edmonton, AB. January 1999.
MacNeill, S. and R.A. Curry. Juvenile brook trout abundance and
habitat use in relation to sediment loads in PEI streams. Paper -
Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research, Edmonton, AB. January
Corrigan, S. and R.A. Curry. Fish communities and distribution in
the inter-tidal zone of the Bay of Fundy. Poster - Canadian
Conference for Fisheries Research, Edmonton, AB. January 1999.
Corrigan, S. and R.A. Curry. Temporal use of rockweed by fishes
in the Bay of Fundy. Paper-Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Society
of Fish and Wildlife Biologists, Rocky Harbor, NF. October 1998.
Barry, E. and R.A. Curry. Variations in mercury levels in fishes
and the effect of lake type. Paper-Annual Meeting of the Atlantic
Society of Fish and Wildlife Biologists, Rocky Harbor, NF.
October 1998.
Clarke, K.D., D.A. Scruton, J.H. McCarthy and R. A. Curry.
1998. The Copper Lake Buffer Zone Study: A case study
assessing the impacts of forest harvesting on salmonid
populations and their habitat within a small headwater system.
38th Annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Environmental
Biologists, St. John's, NF. October 1998.
Clarke, K.D., D.A. Scruton, J.H. McCarthy, L.J. Cole, and R.A.
Curry. The ecology of brook charr existing as a single species
assemblage in a small headwater system of Newfoundland, Canada.
Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Hartford, CT.
August 1998.
Morris, C. and R.A. Curry. Biology of brown bullheads in a New
Brunswick river. Atlantic Universities Undergraduate Biology
Conference, Halifax, NS. March 1998.
Crabbe, S., F. Whoriskey, and R.A. Curry. Juvenile ecology of
trout and salmon in the Ponoi River. Atlantic Universities
Undergraduate Biology Conference, Halifax, NS. March 1998.
MacNeill, S. and R.A. Curry. Effects of landuse on early life
history stages of brook trout on PEI. Paper -Canadian Conference
for Fisheries Research, Kingston, ON. January 1998.
Rogers, S. and R.A. Curry. Using a genetic analyser to assess
microsatellite loci for polymorphisms in brook trout. Poster -
Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research, Kingston, ON. January
Sparks, D. and R.A. Curry. Movements of brook trout in the
Kennebecasis River, New Brunswick. Paper - Canadian Conference
for Fisheries Research, Kingston, ON. January 1998.
Curry, R.A., D. Scruton, and K. Clarke. Riparian buffer zones and
percent catchment harvests: impacts on the incubation habitats of
brook trout in Newfoundland. Paper - Annual Meeting of the
Atlantic Society of Fish and Wildlife Biologists, Alma, NB.
October 1997.
MacNeill, S. and R.A. Curry. Impacts of sediment on brook trout
on PEI. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Society of Fish and
Wildlife Biologists, Alma, NB. Paper - October 1997.
Curry, R.A., D. Scruton, and K. Clarke. Effects of riparian
buffer zones on the incubation habitats of brook trout (Salvelinus
fontinalis). Paper - Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries
Society, Monterey, CA. August 1997.
Chernoff, E., R.A. Curry, and F.W. Whoriskey. A quantitative
comparison of life history characteristics between a tributary
and main stem population of Atlantic salmon in central New
Brunswick. Paper - Atlantic Universities Undergraduate Biology
Conference, Turo, NS. March 1997.
Curry, R.A., C. Brady, D.L.G. Noakes, and R.G. Danzmann. The use
of small streams by young brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis)
spawned in lakes. Paper - Canadian Conference for Fisheries
Research, Ottawa, ON. January 1997.
Currie, S.L. and R.A. Curry. Seasonal habitats of young-of-the-year
smallmouth bass: predicting winter survival rates. Paper -
Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research, Ottawa, ON. January